
Daily Dog No.1

February 3, 2010: Beagle

"Beagle" is a 6x6 in. oil painted on canvas, framed with a simple pine strip frame. I have done small headshots of dogs in the past and have decided to make the dog paintings part of my studio regimen on a daily basis. As the paintings dry and I frame them, I will post the images here.

These paintings will also be available at Stuff - please contact them for availability and pricing.

If you are interested in having a painting done of your dog you can also get the details from any of the friendly staff at Stuff.

1 comment:

  1. You have a gift of being able to share the spirit of these wonderful companion beings we call dogs. Thanks for sharing your gift with the rest of us. I love the chair that you painted of our beloved Stump, may he rest in peace. His image greets me every day and I love it.

    thanks, Kelly B. Johnson
