
Daily Dog #20

French Bulldog - 5x5 in. oil on canvas, framed.


Goin' to the show!!

Well, the dogs are packed up and ready to head for the show. The Kansas City Hunting and Fishing Collectibles Show that is. Wish us luck!


Hunting dogs

This weekend (Feb. 26-27) I'll be putting some dog paintings in my dad's booth at the Kansas City Hunting and Fishing Collectibles Show. For more information about the show go to this link: HUNTING AND FISHING SHOW.
Any remaining paintings will be available at Stuff the week following the show.
As soon as they are framed I'll post the images so you can have a preview. I'm also taking a specially painted, one-of-a-kind chair.
Hope to see you at the show!

Daily Dog #11

February 21, 2010: Shih Tzu
4x4 in. - oil on canvas, framed


Daily Dog #10

February 18, 2010: Rottweiler
8x8 in. oil on panel, framed

Now that's a head! And I thought my dog had a big head!


Daily Dog #9

February 17, 2010: Husky
8x8 in. oil on panel,framed

This is one of those paintings that came together with mysterious ease. It has those qualities of looseness that I love to look at in paintings. I refer back to these "easy" ones to inform my current work in the studio.


Daily Dog #8

February 12, 2010: Great Dane
8x8 in. oil on panel, framed


Daily Dog #7

February 11, 2010: Golden Retriever
6x6 in. oil on canvas, framed


Daily Dog #6

February 9, 2010: German Shepherd
Oil on canvas - 6x6 in. - about as handsome as they come.

Daily Dog #5

February 9, 2010: Pomeranian

This little cutey is a 4x4 in. oil painted on canvas, framed. She's waiting for you at Stuff.

A new group of dogs was delivered today! Stay tuned for new posts!


Daily Dog #4

February 7, 2010: Maltese
She's a 4.5 x 4.5" oil painted on panel, framed with a thin pine strip frame. Call my peeps at Stuff to make her yours!


Daily Dog, No. 3

February 6, 2009 - Cocker Spaniel
4x4 in. oil on canvas - framed - available at Stuff


Daily Dog, No. 2

February 4, 2001: Chihuahua

"Chihuahua" is painted in oil on a 4x4 in. canvas, strip framed and ready to hang. A small painting of a small dog.

She went to Stuff today - just waiting for a good home now.

Come back tomorrow for Dog #3!



Daily Dog No.1

February 3, 2010: Beagle

"Beagle" is a 6x6 in. oil painted on canvas, framed with a simple pine strip frame. I have done small headshots of dogs in the past and have decided to make the dog paintings part of my studio regimen on a daily basis. As the paintings dry and I frame them, I will post the images here.

These paintings will also be available at Stuff - please contact them for availability and pricing.

If you are interested in having a painting done of your dog you can also get the details from any of the friendly staff at Stuff.


Day 1

Welcome to my blog which I will use as a base for updating visitors to the latest work coming out of my studio.

As soon as I frame the latest group of paintings and deliver them to Stuff, you will be able to purchase any of them from the coolest store in Kansas City.

Keep coming back for photos of what I am working on in the studio.

Check out where I work and live - Hoop Dog Studio is in midtown Kansas City where, if you have enough property, you can have your own chickens!
